Flavouring compounds
Over the past two decades flavouring substances have come under intense scrutiny from food regulatory agencies. The paradigm shift from a self-regulated market to one involving (pre-)market authorisation of all substances used for flavouring purposes requires special attention from affected sectors.
We closely follow the ongoing safety evaluations of flavouring agents by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and provide easy access to their results and give interpretations of their work. Often natural flavouring complexes are closely related to products from the same plants which are also used as functional ingredients providing health benefits. Positioning a product in this area requires special expertise that we share with clients.
Link to recent successful projects
Target bodies: European Union (Commission, EFSA), Codex Alimentarius, JECFA, United States (FEMA-GRAS), Japan MoH, Swiss BAG