Completed and ongoing feed projects - some examples
- Project management and preparation of more than 70 dossiers for an industry consortium composed of 30 companies for the re-evaluation of more than 1000 botanically and chemically defined sensory additives
- Drafting of a safety dossier for a feed material that was requested by the Commission
- Expert report for a feed additive - critical review and assessment of an EFSA dossier
- Regulatory support for discussions with authorities about a critical impurity in a feed additive
- Writing and submission of feed additive dossier (EFSA)
- Analysis of the requirements to develop dossiers for zootechnical feed additives
- Development of a dossier for pre-market approval of a technological feed additive
- Support and advice on a novel probiotic to be used as a feed additive
- Advice on the testing strategy to develop a dossier for a nutritional feed additive (novel vitamin source)