Completed projects - some examples
Food, food ingredients, food additives
- Coordination of the response of industry to EFSA with respect to the data requested for more that fifteen food colours (additive re-evaluation)
- Writing and submission of a food additive dossier for JECFA
- Review of chemistry, toxicology and intake assessment sections of an enzyme dossiersubmitted to JECFA Scientific and technical support in international affairs for an industry NGO - drafting and reviewing of position papers and other communications (Codex Alimentarius Commission)
- Review of health claim submission to EFSA
- Analysis of the requirements to develop a dossier for a natural food additive - intended for submission to JECFA and EFSA
- Recommendations for design of a clinical test to obtain a health claim
- Advice on the legal status of a natural extract as a borderline product between food additive,flavour and novel food - marketing opportunities and regulatory hurdles
- Assessment of the legal status of an ingredient manufactured with a modified process -novelty, labeling of the finished food
- Assessment and advice of the change of manufacturing for a food additive - legal requirements within the EU, steps to be taken with EFSA and the European Commission
- Assessment of the current legal status of a functional food category in the European Union and forecast of the probable legal changes for these foods
- Lecture on the use of specific health claims for novel ingredients
- Assessment of compliance of a sports food to Swiss legislation - composition, label, claims - advice on corresponding changes
- Lectures and presentations on international food safety issues